Portfolio > Feature Presentation

Patriarchal Presence in Pink
Patriarchal Presence in Pink
January 2010

Here I see him, dark as night,
disguised in purple, pink, and white.
Flower fangs, silky skin,
here I thought beauty lies within;
yet he makes me a dancing doll,
holds me high and lets me fall.
It's all a play which he has cast,
where I appear first, but come in last.
Here he puts me in my place
near all things that resemble my face,
in a school to learn to be his muse
a medal to wear and a thing to use.
He casts his shadow over me
so illuminated I will never be.
There he stands at the door
guarding the light so I may not know more.
Haunting, taunting,
flirting and flaunting.
I feel his presence ceiling to floor.
Now I will know only he
since he has gotten inside of me.
Here I see him dark as night,
disguised in purple, pink, and white.