Portfolio > Feature Presentation

Plastic Baby
Plastic Baby
MIxed Media
August 2010

Dear plastic baby,
I need you to save me.
I know you are fake now and always a lie
you don't puke or scream and cry.
Our fake love will always haunt me
and your lies will forever taunt me.
You were a gift to learn
that someday I'd take my turn
giving empty love in plastic form
to a real child, to teach the norm
of what we did and always do
in the role I learned from you.
But at this point I need you now
one more lesson, teach me how
to love this lovely thing you cursed
since you didn't help me expect the worst;
and would I even have one now
if I hadn't had you first?
It's what we did and always do
in the role I learned from you.